
Introducing OCT imaging

Papamoa optometrists was an adopter of OCT imaging technology, having purchased our Topcon Maestro in 2015.  It allows us to offer a another level of diagnostics when dealing with glaucoma or macula issues

Dry macula degeneration as imaged with OCT

The base layer of the retina should be nice and smooth - but due to drusen forming it has this irregular appearance, which damages the photoreceptors and reduces vision in the patient.  


Papamoa optometrists has recently installed the lastest Canon CR-2 digital retinal camera capable of capturing amazing 18 mega pixel retinal images. Unfortunately not all advertised retinal imaging systems achieve even half this level of detail. High resolution means we can better detect, diagnose and monitor progression of eye diseases like glaucoma, macula degeneration, diabetes or retinal naevi (freckles). 

Retinal photos are backed up on our secure computer system and on repeat examinations images are examined in detail for change. Our consult room has viewing software which means we can sit down with you and take the time to explain the results - all part of our comprehensive consultation which leaves you as the patient well informed on your ocular status.

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